
You mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger.

I’ve had a few “pinch me” moments lately.  Moments where I’ve looked at Shaun and said, “is this really happening?”  Things we would talk about back in college, or when we were first married, or when Giuliana was still kicking in my tummy, suddenly happening.

I guess I never invested too much belief in my dreams so that I would never be too disappointed if life just didn’t work out that way.  When we started as business owners, we needed security, aka a paycheck.  I was afraid to head confidently in the direction of what I wanted.  I was always bracing myself for the next storm.  I held my dreams quietly in my heart, accepting whatever outcome was headed our way.  My heart would say “what if it’s possible” and my head would rush in with all of the reasons why it would never happen.  I realize now what a giant waste of energy all of that fear was.  All of the doubt was like a thick fog blocking the path I was meant to follow.  Had I only believed it would all work out, I would have worried less.  I would have enjoyed more.  I would have loved those years.

We watched Aladdin being played on The Disney Channel all weekend and I got to thinking.  Life can be pretty magical.  Or not.  All depending on how you look at it.

What if?

What if you hold your dreams in your heart long enough, and you work hard enough, they really do come true?  What if we all have a Genie?

Perhaps our dreams are meant to lead us in the right direction and if we just start believing in them, we will become our greatest selves.  What if we start trusting in our dreams, trusting in ourselves, worrying less, enjoying more, and loving all of the in-between?

you mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger darling

What is your dream?